Our Team

We met out and about in the advertising industry, at different agencies in fact. And while we really liked what we were doing, we knew we wanted to do it on our own terms. So we decided to open our own agency, build our own client list and make our own mark.
Photo of our one and only rockstar Will Pang
Will Pang
Photo of our media guru Cheryl Buono
Media Guru
Cheryl Buono
Phot of our charmer James Isgro
James Isgro
Photo of our Hemingway in the house Gabby Saladino
Gabby Saladino
Photo of Ka Lok Tse
Visionary Dreamer
Ka Lok Tse
Don't be shy, talk to us.
Let's find out how to get your brand in front of the right people.
Let's Talk